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A Story Of Inspiration


Meet linda

Hi, my name is Linda,​

I am 32 years old and currently living in Lincoln, Nebraska with my wonderful husband and four beautiful children, our kiddos are 2 yr, 4 yr, 8 yrs, and 10 yrs old. But I'm not just a mother, I am a stay-at-home Mother, a Teacher, a photographer, an inventor, a content creator, and the list could go on.


But first and foremost I am a mom with a passion for making skin & hair care products that are safe for my family and those around me. Who are tired of or affected by all the harsh chemicals used in our day-to-day beauty or home cleaning products.

My story

The story behind how my company came to be is not an easy one to tell. But it's the root on to which my companies foundation stands and has gotten me to where I am today
In November of 2020, we were gifted with the surprise blessing of a 4th child. And as a stay-at-home mom of already three beautiful children but sometimes having so many kiddos and responsibilities can make life seem hectic. So I wanted to find a new hobby to help me take my mind off the day-to-day crazy. something I could do that was fun, creative. And yet have a useful purpose for me & my family that I would be able. This is how I came across all-natural homemade soap making; as we all know serves many purposes.
Skip about a month ahead; my hobby dream became a reality when I was gifted my first Melt & Pour soap-making kit for Christmas sending me on my journey into the world of soap-making. The next few days after receiving my gift I started researching everything I could soap is making & what it would take to make homemade soap from scratch. Through this research, I realized that Melt & Pour soap making is not the true process behind making all-natural soap from scratch.


On December 30th of 2020 at 9 weeks & 5 days pregnant I went in for our second appointment for baby number four with my normal OBGYN doctor. A day that was supposed to be filled with the joy and excitement of seeing your new baby for the first time. The Possibility of being able to hear that first heartbeat. But instead, we got the opposite there was heartbreak, sorrow, the pain of loss. This was the day we found out that sometime within the last few days before my appointment our new bundle of joy had passed. 
Heartbroken, depressed, confused, numb, empty, and embarrassed I left the doctor's office and headed home to break the news to my husband and our other 3 children. As I pulled up our driveway, putting the car in park I couldn't find the will to get out and go inside. I just sat there trying so hard not to cry while all the while feeling numb to the world. That same day I went back in for a D&C before the holiday weekend to avoid the pain of birthing our lost baby at home with the possibility of having to do it alone if my husband happened to be at work when it happens.

That same evening sitting in my hospital room waiting for my D&C my mind was racing going a million miles an hour. Questioning everything, every decision, wondering what if they were wrong about our baby being gone. Doctors came and went in and out of our room some taking my vitals or labs. While others were going over the process of a D&C and the paperwork I needed to sign. Even though I heard and responded to everything that was being said it all still felt like a dream. Finally, the time came to go back for surgery, and as I lay there slowly drifting out of consciousness my mind raced around telling me over and over again I'm just dreaming this isn't real, their wrong our baby isn't gone, this was a mistake and then it was over. I spent the next few hours resting in the room feeling emotionally numb, still feeling as if I was dreaming. The ride home was eerily quiet neither one of us knew what to say to one another to make us feel better. 

A couple of days post-surgery I ended up having complications from the D&C. This ended up sending me back to the hospital for a few days giving a rocky start for the emotionally healing of the loss. Around two weeks post-surgery I started physically feeling better and was ready to try and focus on my emotional healing. Through prayer & devotion, and burying myself into the process of all-natural soap making and through this process, I started to feel somewhat of a weight lifted off my shoulders. I had found so much joy in making soap from scratch that I ended up making so much soap it was coming out of my ears. Leading me to give out samples to my family and friends still, I had so much soap laying around. But I could not stop making soap there were just so many different ways to make it and so many new things to learn about it. Making all-natural soap also was lead me to want to learn more. I wanted to know what else I could make out of all-natural ingredients for people to use on their hair, skin, and more.
While I still may not understand the Lord's reason for calling our child home, and while the pain of losing our fourth child is still an emotional struggle I know He is watching over my family & me. Through His Love, He had blessed me with a newfound passion leading me through the slow process of healing from loss. Which then lead me to create an amazing new business. Giving me the ability to share His love and my passion with the rest of the world. And one day I hope my story & the process of how I healed will be able to be used to help other mothers. Mothers who struggle with the same loss and feelings of miscarriage. And that it helps to guide them through this process of healing the way it did for me when we lost our fourth child.

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